Click-Crosslinked Injectable Gelatin Hydrogels


Koshy ST, Desai RM, Joly P, Li J, Bagrodia RK, Lewin SA, Joshi NS, Mooney DJ. Click-Crosslinked Injectable Gelatin Hydrogels. Adv Healthc Mater. 2016;5 (5) :541-7.

Date Published:

2016 Mar 09


Injectable gelatin hydrogels formed with bioorthogonal click chemistry (ClickGel) are cell-responsive ECM mimics for in vitro and in vivo biomaterials applications. Gelatin polymers with pendant norbornene (GelN) or tetrazine (GelT) groups can quickly and spontaneously crosslink upon mixing, allowing for high viability of encapsulated cells, establishment of 3D elongated cell morphologies, and biodegradation when injected in vivo.
Last updated on 09/29/2017