Meike Bleeksma

Meike Bleeksma

Visiting Masters Student
Meike Bleeksma

Working under supervision of Dr. Ben Freedman on the application of tough adhesives to tendon injuries, with a focus on Achilles ruptures in an aging model.


Educational Background:

Bsc. Biomedicine at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017

MSc. Biomedical Engineering at ETH Zürich, Zürich Switzerland, 2023


Alumna of the following labs:

Prof. Molly Stevens Group at Karolinska Institute (Summer 2018)

Prof. Stefan Stricker Group at LMU Munich (Summer 2019)

Sir David Lane Group at Karolinska Instititute (Fall Semester 2019)

Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication Lab at ETH Zürich (Spring Semester and Summer 2020)

Macromolecular Engineering Lab at ETH Zürich (Spring and Fall Semester 2021)

Contact Information

